吉尔盖迈什是一位力大无比的国王,他三分之一是肉身,三分之二是神体。他办事粗野,为人残暴,乌鲁克人民怨声载道,纷纷祈求上苍保佑。上天听到了人们的祈祷声,就派勇士恩克督下凡辖制吉尔盖迈什。恩克督生得五大三粗,浑身都是肌肉,又不修边幅,浓密的毛发整日乱蓬蓬的。 粗野的勇士和肆意妄为的国王相见了。他们死死地抱紧对方,疯狂地扭打在一起。结果,吉尔盖迈什略胜一筹,勉勉强强战胜了对手。恩克督碰到了一个比自己力量更大的对手,他甘拜下风,连连鞠躬。两人成了密不可分的挚友,并结伴去探险。 他们来到了一个大森林里,举目都是西洋杉,他们就比赛砍树,但必须得先杀死森林中喷火的巨人汉拔布。这个魔鬼般的庞然大物长得太吓人了,连吉尔盖迈什在他面前都战战兢兢,抖个不停。但汉拔布由于疏忽大意忘了穿上他平素穿的七件铠衣。这样,他变得异常脆弱,不堪一击,很快就被削去了脑袋。 吉尔盖迈什的英雄壮举引起了女神伊什塔尔的注意,她很快迷上了这位英俊的国王,但吉尔盖迈什却对她的爱意不屑一顾。女神勃然大怒,马上派下了天庭中一头野蛮残暴的公牛。公牛每出一口气,喷出的鼻息就在大地上吹凿出几个深不可测的峡谷。结果,吉尔盖迈什的王国被牛怪蹂躏得千疮百孔。怀着无比的仇恨,吉尔盖迈什和恩克督一块追击公牛。 恩克督死死拽着公牛的尾巴,吉尔盖迈什杀死了公牛。恩克督又撕下死牛的一条腿,猛地向伊什塔尔掷去。愤怒的女神要求严惩恩克督,众神也一致声讨他。在神界的一片怒吼声中,恩克督最后也死去了。 King and Champion The people of Uruk were irritated by the wild behavior of Gilgamesh, their powerful king who was one-third mortal, two-thirds divine. The gods answered the people's prayers and sent down Enkidu, a brawny, shaggy-haired champion to rein in Gilgamesh. The wild man and the willful king met. They wrestled together and locked in furious embrace. Gilgamesh barely bested his opponent. Enkidu bowed before a strength greater than his own. The two became inseparable friends and fellow adven- turers. They traveled to a great cedar forest for a tree- cutting contest. But first they had to slay the fire-breathing giant of the forest, Humbab. So fearful was this demon giant that even Gilgamesh quaked before him. But Humbab had neglected to don his usual seven coats of armor. He was vulnerable—and soon headless. Gilgamesh’s bravery caught the attention of the goddess Ishtar. She was smitten by the handsome king. He ignored her and ignited her wrath. Ishtar sent down the savage bull of heaven. Every time the bull snorted, its breath carved deep ravines through the earth. The monster ravaged Gilgamesh’s kingdom. The heroes went after it. Enkidu seized the bull’s tail and Gilgamesh slew it. Enkidu tore off one of the bull’s legs and threw it at Ishtar. The goddess demanded he be punished. Enkidu then bore the gods’ wrath and died, too. |