心怀上千个鬼点子的摩伊是一个半神半人的爱搞恶作剧的精灵。他身上满是文身,奇丑无比,喜怒无常,但机智过人。他有个毛病,一旦对什么东西看不顺眼,他就要改变它。摩伊看不顺眼的东西多了,比如说,太阳。 原来,在日出日落之间仅有几个小时的白天,光阴真比黄金还要宝贵。每一天,摩伊都看到人们争分夺秒地拼命去干活,耕种,做饭,用树皮制布。太阳走得太快了,白天的时间远远不够用,人们的生活备受煎熬。他们连煮饭的时间都没有,只好每天吃生食。 摩伊一把抓起他的绳索,揣上他祖母的一根神奇腭骨向太阳走去。他迅速出手,轻轻一甩绳索就把太阳套个结结实实,然后拿着那根魔力十足的腭骨劈头盖脸猛击太阳神。狼狈的金色太阳连连告饶,答应以后在天空放慢脚步。收拾了太阳神,摩伊抬头看了看近在眼前的天空,感觉天空这家伙压得也太低了吧,于是就"嘿嗬”一声大吼,把苍穹推高了一大截儿。 摩伊又去捕鱼。他的哥哥不愿送他鱼饵。一怒之下,摩伊猛击了一下自己的鼻子,鲜血汩汩地流出来,他用自己的鼻血作诱饵,网到的大鱼不计其数。后来,这些大鱼变成了波利尼西亚群岛。 Maui Maui of a Thousand Tricks was an ugly, excitable, but quick-witted half-divine, half-mortal trickster who was covered in tattoos. If he didn't like the ways things were, he changed them. And there were many things Maui didn’t like. For example, the sun. Every day, Maui watched human beings scramble to work, or plant, or cook, or make bark cloth in the few precious hours between sunrise and sunset. There was never enough time, the sun moved too fast, and the people suffered. They had no choice but to eat their food raw. Maui grabbed his rope and his grandmother’s magic jawbone. With a quick flick of the rope, he lassoed the sun and beat the sun-god with the jawbone until the golden one agreed to move more slowly across the sky. Then Maui looked closely at the sky itself. It hung way too low. With a mighty heave, Maui shoved the firmament up higher. The Maui went fishing. His brother wouldn't share the bait, so Maui punched his own nose and used his blood to fish. He hauled in catches so big and they became the Polynesian islands. |