四千多年前,古代帝王黄帝威风凜凛地站在队伍的最前面,他的身后是由神熊虎豹组成的大军。战场的另一方隐隐现出一个头长牛角的庞然大物一蚩尤,他的身后是由群魔组成的军队。 黄帝此役是要保卫自己的皇位,而蚩尤是要争夺皇位。 蚩尤打了一个大喷嚏,响声震天,一团厚厚的白雾顿时笼罩了整个战场。放眼望去,白茫茫一片,什么也看不见。黄帝的大军四处狂奔,乱作一团。这时,黄帝一方机智的军师发明了一架指南车,才挽救了大军。黄帝召集残部,逃离战场。 蚩尤怒不可遏。这位气急败坏的巨人召集魔鬼军队前来助他一臂之力。转眼间,狂风怒吼,天昏地暗,倾盆大雨浇在战场上。黄帝的军队深陷一片汪洋之中,眼看就要被淹没了。黄帝使出了杀手锏一他的女儿旱魃。 旱魃在洪水中穿行。她的身体释放出一阵阵热浪,很快蒸干了战场上的洪水。黄帝又用海怪皮做成了一架战鼓。他用粗大有力的棒子擂鼓时,炸雷响彻云霄,震得地动山摇。蚩尤的军队被惊得不知所措,彻底瘫痪。黄帝的大军向前猛冲过去,最后取得胜利了! The War Between Huang Di and Chi You More than 4,000 years ago, Huang Di, the ancient Yellow Emperor, stood bravely at the head of his army of gods, bears, tigers, and leopards. At the other end of the battlefield loomed the oxen-horned giant Chi You, backed by his army of demons. Huang Di came to defend his imperial throne, while Chi You came to demand it. Chi You sneezed loudly and a thick, white fog covered the battlefield. No one could see a thing. Huang Di’s army lashed out blindly until his quick-witted minister created a compass. Huang Di gathered the survivors and escaped. Chi You was furious. The angry giant called in demon forces to help him. The winds blew wildly. The sky blackened and a fierce driving rain fell all over the battlefield. The Emperor’s army was drowning. Huang Di called for his most powerful weapon—his daughter Ba. Ba strode through the flood. A terrific heat spread from her body and dried up the waters. Huang Di then fashioned a drum out of a sea monster's hide. When he crashed down his huge, powerful drumsticks, a terrible thunder shook the mountains. Chi You’s army was paralyzed with fear. The Emperor’s army rushed forward—to victory! |