一位妇女打算买一个自己组装的碗橱。回到家后她仔细地阅读了说明书,在卧室里组装好了碗橱。碗橱看上去非常整洁灵巧。这时,一列火车经过,整个碗橱都倒塌了,但是她没有灰心,又重新阅读说明书,重新组装碗橱。然后,又一列火车经过,整个碗橱再次倒塌。她想自己肯定什么地方做得不对,于是再次阅读说明书,第三次重新组装碗橱。然后,又一列火车经过,整个碗橱再次倒塌。这次她终于放弃了,于是给客服部打电话。客服部的人告诉她这不可能,他们会派一名技术人员去看一下。技术人员来到后,重新组装了碗橱。然后一列火车经过,碗橱倒塌了。这名技术人员被这意想不到的事情难住了,于是决定组装好碗橱后,自己坐到里面,看看是什么导致了碗橱的倒塌。就在这时,这位妇女的丈夫回家了,看见了碗橱,说道真是个漂壳的碗橱。”然后打开了它。 技术人员说道:“你可能不信,但我站在这里是在等一列火车。" A Cupboard A woman decides to buy a self-assembly cupboard. Back home she reads the instructions carefully and assembles the cupboard in the bedroom. It looks really neat. Then, a train passes and the whole cupboard collapses. Not daunted by this she re-reads the instructions and reassembles the cupboard. Then, another train passes and the whole cupboard collapses again. Thinking that she must have done something wrong she re-re-reads the instructions and re-re-assembles the cupboard. Then, a train passes and the whole cupboard collapses yet again. Now, she’s finally fed up with this and calls the customer service department. She is told that this is quite impossible and that they’ll send along a technician to have a look. The technician arrives and assembles the cupboard. Then, a train passes and the cupboard collapses. Completely baffled by this unexpected event, the technician decides to reassemble the cupboard and sit inside it to see whether he can find out what causes the cupboard to col-lapse. At this point, the woman’s husband comes home, sees the cupboard and says, “That’s a nice looking cupboard”, and opens it. The technician says, “You won't believe me, but I’m standing here waiting for a train. ” |