一名旅行者步行经过一家农场。奇怪的是他看见一头猪有一条木头腿!这令他非常好奇,于是找到农场主询问此事。 "这可不是一头普通的猪。”农场主说道,"比如说,就在两天前,鸡棚里着火了,而我当时又不在农场。这头猪看见着火后,迅速地过去让所有的鸡从鸡棚里出来到院子里去。他又给消防队打了电话,然后回来控制火势,直到消防队到来!” "还有几星期前,我开着拖拉机下山,山坡陡峭,拖拉机一下子失控翻倒了,我被撞晕过去!这头猪看见了,打了电话叫救护队,然后冲向拖拉机,在它着火的那一刻把我从里面拖了出来。" 农场主正准备开始讲述另外一段故事,旅行者说道:“好样的,好样的,但是它为什么会有一条木头腿呢?” 农场主说道:“啊,你要是有这么好的一头猪的话,你是不会一次就把它吃完的!” Don’t Eat It All at Once A man was out for a walk one day and on his travels he wandered through a farm. Strangely, he saw a pig with a wooden leg! This intrigued him so much he found the farmer and quizzed him about it. “This is not an ordinary pig,” said the farmer, “For example, only two days ago there was a fire in the chicken shed when I was away from the farm. The pig noticed this and immediately went and let all the chickens out into the yard. He then phoned for the fire brigade and came straight back to hold the fire until they arrived! ” “And a few weeks ago, I was driving my tractor down a steep hill, when I lost control and the vehicle overturned-knocking me unconscious! The pig saw this, phoned for the ambulance and then rushed to the tractor and pulled me clear of the cab just before it set on fire. ’’ The farmer was just about to launch into another tale when the man said,“Yes, yes, but what about the wooden leg?" “Well,” said the farmer, “when you've got a pig as good as that, you don’t eat it all at once t ” |