一天,一只鹰扑住了湖里的一条大鱼,爪子插进了鱼的脊背。鱼就使劲向下拉,鹰就用力向上拽。但是双方都没能挣脱出来。鱼把湖里所有其他的鱼都叫了过来帮忙,鹰也召集了空中所有的鸟儿站在它这一边。鸟儿们往上拉鹰,却折断了它的翅膀。鱼儿们也往下拉它们的朋友,却弄得它伤得很严重,直到最后双方都筋疲力尽掉进了湖里。 鸟儿和鱼叫道:‘‘如果处于争斗中的任何一个人都不放弃,那么任何人都不会活命。在这种情况下,朋友们如果尝试去缓和,却只能会使情况变得更糟糕。” The Fish and the Eagle An eagle once pounced upon a huge fish in a lake, and plunged his talons into his back. The fish pulled downwards, and the eagle upwards. But, neither succeeding in disengaging itself from the other, the fish called all the other fish in the lake to its aid, and the eagle summoned all the birds of the air to its side. The birds pulled the eagle up, and broke its wings. The fish pulled their friend down, and hurt him severely, till in the end both sank exhausted into the lake. The birds and the fish exclaimed, “When neither yields in strife, neither can keep his life. In such cases, friends can only aggravate, in their attempts to alleviate. ” |