圣诞节前一天,一个男的在菲尼克斯给纽约的儿子打电话说我不想让你今天心情不好,但是我必须告诉你,我和你妈妈要离婚了,痛苦了45年,真是受够了!" "爸,你在说什么?”儿子尖叫着。 "我们一天也不想再见到对方了。"父亲说道,"我们厌恶对方,我也讨厌说起这事。你给芝加哥的姐姐打电话,告诉她吧。" 儿子疯狂了,就给芝加哥的姐姐打了电话。她在电话里就发火了。 “真见鬼,他们要离婚!我去处理这件事。” 她立即给菲尼克斯打去了电话,对她父亲大喊大叫:"不许你们离婚。我回家之前,你们不要做任何事情。我要叫弟弟回去,我们俩明天到家。在此之前,你们什么都不准做。听见我说的话了吗?”说完,她挂了电话。 老人挂了电话后,把脸转向妻子,说道:"这下好了。他们回家过圣诞节,费用都自己出!” They Are Coining for Christmas A man in Phoenix Christmas and says, “ that your Mom and I enough.,’ “Pop, what are you talking about?” the son screams. “We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,” the father says. “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her. ” Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like heck they’re getting divorced,” she shouts, “I’ll take care of this. ’’ She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, “You are NOT getting divorced. Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?” and hangs up. The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. “Okay,” he says, “they’re coming for Christmas |