小约翰尼上课迟到了。他走进教室,轻轻地关上门,踮着脚悄悄地走到座位上,希望老师不会发现。然而,老师注意到他进来了。 老师对他的迟到感到很生气,问:“你爸爸会这样进来吗?他会迟到后悄悄溜到自己的座位上吗?" 老师指着门口,继续说:"现在出去,再试一次。接下来这次一定要改过来!” 于是小约翰尼拿起书,离开了教室。过了一会,只见他砰的一声猛然推开了门,噔噔地进了教室,嘴里还叼着一支点燃的香烟。 他砰的一声关上门,在地板上把香烟碾灭了,说道:“哎,亲爱的,没料想到会是我,是吧?” The Latecomer He walked into the classroom, quietly shut the door all the while hoping his teacher wouldn’t notice. But, nevertheless, the teacher was well aware of his entry. Angry about his tardiness, the teacher asked, 44Is this how your father would have come in? Would he have come in late and tried to sneak to his desk?” The teacher pointed to the door and continued, "'Now, leave this classroom and try it again. And, be sure to get it right next time!” So, Little Johnny picked up his books and left the room. A few moments later, he flung open the door with a clatter and stomped back into the room with a lit cigarette dangling from his mouth. He slammed the door behind him, put his cigarette out on the floor, and said, “So, honey, didn't expect me, did you?” |