一位波斯的国王有一枚戒指,上面镶着一粒非常珍贵的宝石。一次,他和一些宠臣去设拉子附近一个叫做穆萨拉的清真寺。国王让侍卫把戒指挂在圆圆的屋顶上,然后宣布道:"谁能把箭从这枚戒指中间射过去,戒指就归他。” 400多名弓箭手排起了队伍朝着戒指射箭,可是没有一个人射中。一名年轻的男子正在附近的一幢房顶上练习射箭。他运气真好,射的一支箭顺风而行穿过了戒指。 国王把戒指送给了那名男子,手下又给了他很多礼物。收到礼物后,他烧掉了弓箭。国王问他为什么这么做,他回答说:“这样,我第一次的荣耀就永远不会改变了。” The Ring A certain king of Persia had a very precious stone in a ring. On one occasion he went out with some of his favorite courtiers to the mosque near Shiraz, called Musalla. The king asked his men to suspend the ring over the dome. He then declared, “This ring will become the property of the person who shoots an arrow right through it!” More than 400 archers lined up and took a shot at the ring. All of them missed. On the roof top of a nearby building, a young boy was practicing his archery skills. As luck would have it, one of his arrows sailed through the breeze and landed through the circle of the ring. The king gave the boy the ring and his men presented him with several gifts. After receiving the gifts, the boy burned his bow and arrows. The king asked him why he did that and he replied, “So that my first glory may remain unchanged. ” |