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时间:2013-11-18 10:40来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一个人正在抱怨他的邻居。 我从来没见过一群像这里的村民一样的人,这么令人讨厌。他说,他们小气,自私,贪得无厌,对别人的需要漠不关心。最糟糕的是,他们总是彼此说坏话。
“真的是这样吗? ”一个碰巧和他一起走的天使问。

The Man Who Complains
A man was complaining of his neighbors.
“I never saw such a wretched set of people,” he said,
“as are in this village. They are mean, selfish, greedy of gain, and careless of the needs of others. Worst of all, they are forever speaking evil of one another. ”
“Is it really so?” asked an Angel who happened to be walking with him.
“It is indeed!” said the man, “Why, only look at this fellow coming towards us! I know his face, though I cannot tell you his name. See his little sharp, cruel eyes, darting here and there like a ferret's, and the lines of covetousness about his mouth! The very droop of his shoulders is mean and cringing, and he slinks along instead of walking. ”
“It is very clever of you to see all this,” said the Angel, “But there is one thing that you do not perceive.,’
“What is that?” asked the man.
“Why,it is a looking-glass we are approaching!” said the Angel.
