从前在朝鲜,一只老虎被困在了坑里,请求一个过路者救它,而且答应会报答他。于是,行人把一根长树枝伸到坑里,老虎爬了出来。老虎脱离险境后,张开血盆大口咆哮着:"我饿极了,我要吃了你! ” 行人边抗议,边训斥老虎:"你真是太无情无义了。你绝不应该那样做。”但是,老虎无视他的抗议。行人只好求助于生活在附近一块石头下的蟾蜍。 行人把老虎忘恩负义的事向蟾蜍讲了,但是老虎坚持说自己饿了,非把行人吃了不可。 “我必须更仔细地调查一下。"蟾蜍说,"你们领我去看看事情发生的地方,好吗?"于是, 他们带着它去了坑那里。蟾蜍问老虎:"事情是怎么发生的?让我看看你、当时掉在哪里?” 老虎跳进坑里,说道,我就是困在这底下。明白吗? 行人把那根树枝拿出坑,说:“当然,这个当时可没在下面。” 蟾蜍转向行人,笑着说你现在还是走吧,以后不要再帮这种不领情的家伙。”它看着坑里的老虎,说道:“你这无情无义、卑鄙无耻的东西!现在你呆在下面吧!” 行人向蟾蜍表示了感谢后,又上路了。老虎困在坑里面,不停地怒吼。蟾蜍回到了岩石下面的家,拒绝帮助它。 The Ungrateful Tiger Once upon a time in Korea, a tiger was trapped in a pit, and asked a passing traveler to rescue it, promising to reward him. So the traveler poked a long branch down into the pit, and the tiger crawled out. But when it was safe again it roared with its mouth wide open, "I am very hungry and I am going to eat you up.M The traveler protested and chided the tiger, " You are most ungrateful. You must not do that. ” But the tiger ignored his protests, and so the traveler appealed to a toad which lived under a nearby rock. The traveler told the toad of the tiger's ingratitude, but the tiger insisted that it was hungry and meant to eat the traveler. "I must look into this more closely," said the toad. " Will you show me the place where it happened?” So they took it along to the pit. Then the toad asked the tiger, “ How did it happen? Let me see just where you were. ” So the tiger jumped down into the pit and said, " I was down here at the bottom, see?” But the traveler took the branch out of the pit and said," Of course, this wasn't there then. ” The toad turned to the traveler and said with a smile. "You had better go now, and in future don't help such ungrateful creatures." And looking down at the tiger in the pit it said, "You ungrateful wretch! You can stay down there now." The traveler thanked the toad and went on his way. The tiger, trapped in the pit, roared in fury, but the toad went back to its home under the rock and refused to help it. |