蜘蛛不喜欢跟别人分享东西。龟在吃饭时间来串门,蜘蛛说你不把脏兮兮的脚洗干净就不给你饭吃!” 龟看到大盘子里的饭菜冒着香喷喷的热气,咂了咂嘴。他客气地去小河洗了洗脚。但是,他回来后,盘子已被吃得空空如也。“好吃。”蜘蛛边说边拍打着自己鼓鼓的肚子。 “你请我一顿好饭,我也得请你一顿!”龟说,“明天到我家吃。” 龟在河底准备了一顿美餐。"下来吃吧!”他说。 蜘蛛把外套的口袋里装满石头,这样他就可以沉下去呆在河底吃饭。“穿着外套就餐不礼貌!”龟说,“脱下来吧!” 贪婪的蜘蛛脱下外套后,漂到了水面上,只得饥肠辘辘地看着龟饱餐一顿。 Spider and Turtle Spider hated to share. When Turtle came to his house at mealtime, he said, " I can’t give you food until you've washed your dusty feet! ” Turtle licked his lips when he saw the big plate of steaming food, but politely walked to the stream to wash. When he returned, the plate was empty. “Good meal,” Spider said, patting his full stomach. "One good meal deserves another!" said Turtle. “Come to my house for dinner tomorrow." Turtle fixed a fine dinner at the bottom of the river. “Come on down and eat!” he said. Spider filled his jacket pockets with stones so that he would be weighted down enough to stay at the river's bottom and eat. "It’s impolite to wear a jacket to dinner!" Turtle said, "Take it off!" But when greedy Spider took off his jacket, he floated back up to the surface of the water and hungrily watched Turtle eat his fill. |