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时间:2013-11-09 10:08来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
传统上,爱斯基摩猎人是这样捕杀狼的。 首先,爱斯基摩人在刀刃上涂上动物的血,让它冻结起来。然后再涂上一层一层的鲜血, 直到冰冻的血把刀刃完全掩盖住了。 接着,猎人就把刀
首先,爱斯基摩人在刀刃上涂上动物的血,让它冻结起来。然后再涂上一层一层的鲜血, 直到冰冻的血把刀刃完全掩盖住了。
接着,猎人就把刀子埋在地里,刀刃朝上。狼那灵敏的鼻子嗅到了气味,发现了诱饵。他舔了起来,品尝着新鲜的冰血。他越舔越快、 越舔越用力,直到把刀刃舔得露了出来。就这样在寒冷的北极夜晚, 狼更加兴奋、更加有力地舔着刀刃。他对血的渴望非常强烈,一点也注意不到嘴里锋利的刀刃。他热乎乎的血液正在满足自己的贪欲,但他却没有注意。狼食肉的欲望继续滋长,直到晨光之中,人们发现他已经死在了雪地里。

Eskimo Wolf Hunters
According to tradition, this is how an Eskimo hunter kills a wolf.
First, the Eskimo coats his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze. He then adds layer after layer of blood until the blade is completely concealed by the frozen blood.
Next, the hunter fixes his knife in the ground with the blade up. When a wolf follows his sensitive nose to the source of the scent and discovers the bait, he licks it, tasting the fresh frozen blood. He begins to lick faster, more and more vigorously, lapping the blade until the keen edge is bare. Feverishly now, harder and harder, the wolf licks the blade in the cold Arctic night. His craving for blood becomes so great that the wolf does not notice the razor-sharp blade on his own tongue. Nor does he recognize the instant when his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his own warm blood. His carnivorous appetite continues to crave more until in the morning light, the wolf is found dead on the snow!
