“珍珠港事件”后,应加拿大总理的邀请,丘吉尔在众议院演讲。加拿大杰出肖像摄影家尤素福•卡什看到丘吉尔演讲完后正在休息室一边呷着白兰地,一边抽着雪茄烟,赶忙走上前说道:“首相先生,我希望能有幸在这历史性的一刻为你拍一张照片留念。” 丘吉尔欣然同意。 卡什调好焦距准备拍照时,却发现镜头里的丘吉尔温文尔雅,根本不像叱咤风云的英雄人物。于是,他灵机一动,计上心来。突然,他快步走向丘吉尔,猛地拽掉了他嘴里叼着的雪茄。 见此情景,丘吉尔两眼圆睁,左手叉腰,像要发火。 卡什按下了快门。之后,他走上前,微笑着向丘吉尔鞠躬道歉,双手递上雪茄。 丘吉尔接过雪茄,微笑着说:“先生,你真了不起!你居然制服了一头怒吼的狮子!”这张照片不仅被刊登在许多报纸杂志上,而且被印成了邮票,举世闻名。 The Smile of a Photographer After the “Pearl Harbor Incident”,Churchill made a speech in the House of Representatives at the invitation of Prime Minister of Canada. When he saw Churchill sipping brandy in the lounge and smoking a cigar after his speech, Yusuf Karsh, who was an outstanding" Canadian portrait photographer, hurriedly came up to him and said, Mr. Prime Minister, I hope I can be lucky to take a photo for you as a souvenir on such a historic occasion .” Churchill agreed readily. Karsh adjusted the focus ready to take pictures but found Churchill on camera gentle and cultivated nothing to do with an earthshaking heroic figure at all. He then had an idea. All of a sudden, he walked briskly toward Churchill and pulled out the cigar in his mouth with a rush. Seeing this, Churchill was wide-eyed, left hand on the small of back, and seemed to lose his temper Karsh pressed the shutter. After that, he stepped forward with a smile, bowed to apologize to Churchill, and handed the cigar with both hands. Churchill took the cigarette, saying with a smile, “Sir, you are amazing. You incredibly subdued a roaring lion!” This photograph was not only published in many newspapers or magazines but also printed on stamps and well known all over the world. briskly 轻快地 with a rush 猛地 incredibly 难以置信地 subdue 征服;制服 |