If you're sick of your home country and are yearning for a change, you might want to consider settling in Asia for the next chapter of your life.
如果你厌倦了在本国的生活,想来个改变,你可能会考虑移居亚洲,展开生活的新篇章。 A new study by HSBC ranks several Asian nations among the best countries for expatriates in 2013. The annual Expat Explorer Survey analyzes the findings from 7,000expats to rank their new homes according to criteria including economics, experience, and raising children.
根据英国汇丰银行最新发布的2013年度“移居者探索调查”报告显示,亚洲多个国家和地区被列入全球最佳侨居地排行榜。该报告调查了全球7000名移居者,根据经济、经历和养育子女三大因素对这些国家进行排名。 When considering all three categories, China comes out on top with high scores in economics and experience. Despite faring poorly in the field of raising children, expats in China report high salaries and better quality of life than in their home countries.
将三大因素综合考虑之后,中国凭借更高的“经济收入”得分和“经历”得分而位居榜首。不过中国在“子女养育”方面得分较低,但受访者表示,与生活在本国相比,移居中国后薪水更丰厚、生活质量更高。 Switzerland tops all nations in terms of economics, though it remains unranked overall due to insufficient data in the raising children category.
瑞士“经济”单项中排名第一,但因为子女养育方面数据不全,瑞士未能进入总排名榜单。 When it comes to experience, however, Thailand outpaces the field, thanks to top scores for healthy diet, working environment, social life, local shops and markets, and local culture. Like Switzerland, however, Thailand also could not be ranked overall because of its lack of data on raising children.
在“经历”排名中,泰国列第一。泰国在健康饮食、工作休假、社交生活、购物及市场、当地文化等方面得分相对较高。和瑞士一样,泰国因为缺少在养育子女方面的数据而未能进入总排名榜单。 In that category, Germany reigns supreme, with high scores in child education, quality of childcare, and child health and wellbeing. Deutschland also received high scores in economics, helping the nation to place second overall among all three criteria.
在“子女养育”方面,德国一枝独秀,在儿童教育、托儿质量和儿童健康等方面得分最高。另外,德国在经济方面的得分也很高,帮助其在总排名中得到了第二的佳绩。 The United States ranked 12th overall, hampered by poor scores in both economics and experience. It did, however, place first in local work culture, as well as in several subcategories for raising children. 受到经济和经历两项因素的不良评分,美国在总榜单中仅排在第12位。但是,美国在企业文化和养育子女中的一些子项目中仍然排名第一。
Furthermore, despite ranking 23rd in economics, the U.S. maintains its reputation as a "land of opportunity" among expats. According to the survey, 80% of respondents say they would not leave the country given the choice, citing opportunities for home ownership, access to luxuries like better cars, and the security of pensions and savings for later in life as their main reasons for staying put.
尽管美国在经济一项中仅排在23位,对于移居者来说,美国仍然不愧于其“机遇之国”的美誉。该报告表示,八成移居者不愿意离开美国,因为那里有更好的机会,可以买房、买车,晚年生活的退休保障也更好。 |