中英文小故事:世界没有巨人 有一次,爱因斯坦在一所大学演讲,诺大的教室里坐满了对他充满崇敬之情的师生。演讲完毕,现场人员开始自由提问。 —位女生站起来问:“您被誉为科学界的巨人,您认为自己是巨人吗?” 爱因斯坦微笑着说:‘‘巨人并不是长得高大的人。大家看我如此瘦小,怎么能有巨人的形象呢?也许我看得远一些,那也只是因为我站得高一些而已!” —个男生接着问:“您提到您比别人站得高一些,我想起了不久前您在阿尔卑斯山的高峰之巅曾和一位女士长谈过一次。我不想问您谈话的内容,只想知道站在山顶的那一刻,您是否意识到自己也曾站在科学史的山巅上。” 爱因斯坦仔细地看了看发问的人,问:“你看我像一座山峰吗?我这个身高不管怎么站都成不了山峰。而且.没有一座高峰是无法被人征服的,我们不要做高峰,而要做登上山顶的人!" 说着,他拿起粉笔在黑板上写下一行字:“站在山顶,你并不高大,反而更加渺小!” 随后,他转过身,对台下的人说:“我虽然站得高,可在世人的眼中依然是渺小的!最后,我可以告诉大家,这句话也是我在阿尔卑斯山顶上对那位女士讲的最后一句:‘任何一座高峰都是可以征服的,世上没有巨人,只有站得更高的人!” 台下掌声一片。当年在阿尔卑斯山上玲听爱因斯坦教诲的那位女士正是居里夫人! There Is No Giant in the World Once, Einstein gave a lecture in a university, where the large classroom was full of teachers and students who respected him. After his speech, the audience on the scene started to ask questions. A girl got up and asked, “You’re known as a giant of science. Do you think you’re a giant?” Einstein said with a smile, “A giant isn’t a person who is tall in height. You see I’m so small, how can I have an image of a giant? Maybe I see a bit farther, only because I stand higher!” Then a boy asked, “You mentioned you stand higher than others, it reminds me that you had a long talk with a lady on the peak of the Alps. I don’t want to ask what you talked, but I want to know whether you realized you have been a peak in the history of science when you stood on the peak.” Looking at the boy carefully, Einstein asked, “Do you think rm like a peak? Anyhow, my height cannot become a peak. And what’s more, there is no peak that no one can conquer, so we don't want to be a peak, but we want to be a person to climb the summit!” Then, he took up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard, "Standing on the peak, you are not tail, but even smaller!" He then turned to the audience and said, “Although I stand tall, in the eyes of the world I’m still small! Finally, I can tell you a sentence, which was the last one I told the lady on the peak of the Alps: ‘Any peak can be conquered, for there is no giant in the world but the one who stands higher!’” A storm of applause' sounded. The lady who listened to Einstein's instruction3 on the Alps that year was no other than Madam Curie! 1. summit 顶点 2. applause 喝彩;鼓掌欢迎 3. instruction 指示;教导 |