巴黎一家现代杂志曾刊登了这样一个有趣的竞答题目:“如果有一天卢浮宫突然起了大火,当时只允许从宫内众多艺术珍品中抢救出一件,请问你会选择哪一件?” 在数以万计的读者来信中,一位年轻画家的答案被认为是最佳选择一选择离门最近的那件。 这是一个令人叫绝的答案,因为卢浮宫内的每一件收藏品都是举世无双的瑰宝,所以与其浪费时间选择,不如抓紧时间抢救一件。 Choose That One Nearest the Door A modem magazine in Paris published such an interesting subject, “If someday Louvre suddenly catches fire, which one will you choose when only one will be allowed to be rescued from a great multitude of artistic collections?” Among thousands of letters, a young painter's answer was considered to be the best choice-the one nearest the door. This was a wonderful answer. Because each one of the Louvre collection is the peerless treasure in this world, it is better to rescue one than to waste time. multitude 大量;许多 peerless 盖世无双的;无与伦比的 |