客厅里一座巨大的挂钟滴答滴答地响着。 一天夜里,突然传来一阵啜泣声,于是客厅的家具们到处寻找声音的来源,原来是秒针在抽泣。 秒针哭着说:“我好命苦啊!每当我跑一圈时,长针才走一步;我跑60圈时,短针才走5步。 我一天要跑1440圈,一星期有7天,一个月有30天,一年有365天……我如此瘦弱,却需要分分秒秒地跑下去,我怎么跑得动呢?我做不到! ” 旁边的台灯安慰它说:“不要去想还没来到的事儿,你只须一步一步往前走,就会走得轻松愉快。” The Desk Lamp and the Second Hand In the living room a huge wall clock was ticking away. One night, suddenly a cry was heard. The furniture in the living room started looking for the source of the sound. It turned out that it was the second hand sobbing. The second hand cried, “How miserable I am! When I run one circle, the long hand only goes one step; when I run sixty circles, the short hand only goes five steps. In one day I need to run one thousand four hundred and forty circles, there,re seven days a week,thirty days a month and three hundred and sixty-five days a year...l,m so thin, but I have to keep running by minutes and seconds. How can I move on? I can’t do it!” The desk lamp next to it soothed, “Don’t think of things that haven’t come yet. You only need to go ahead step by step, so you will get relaxed and happy." tick away (分秒)在滴答声中溜走 soothe 安慰 relaxed 轻松的;舒服的 |