【英语原文】 Reed turned out to be like his father in many ways: incisive and smart, with intense eyes and a mesmerizing charm. But unlike his father, he had sweet manners and a self-effacing grace. He was creative—as a kid he liked to dress in costume and stay in character—and also a great student, interested in science. He could replicate his father’s stare, but he was demonstrably affectionate and seemed not to have an ounce of cruelty in his nature. Erin Siena Jobs was born in 1995. She was a little quieter and sometimes suffered from not getting much of her father’s attention. She picked up her father’s interest in design and architecture, but she also learned to keep a bit of an emotional distance, so as not to be hurt by his detachment. The youngest child, Eve, was born in 1998, and she turned into a strong-willed, funny firecracker who, neither needy nor intimidated, knew how to handle her father, negotiate with him (and sometimes win), and even make fun of him.Her father joked that she’s the one who will run Apple someday, if she doesn’t become president of the United States.(Chapter 21 Family Man: Children) 【译文】 里德很多地方都像他父亲:敏锐聪慧,目光锐利,富有魅力。但与乔布斯不同的是,里德彬彬有礼,为人谦逊优雅。他富有创造力,喜欢穿上戏服扮演角色。他还是个好学生,对理科有兴趣。他的眼神很像父亲,但很有爱心,一点也没有乔布斯天性里的残酷。 1995年,埃琳·锡耶纳.乔布斯出生了。她比较文静,有时得不到乔布斯足够的关注。她继承了父亲对设计和建筑的热爱。在情感上,埃琳和乔布斯保持一定的距离,以免被他的疏远所伤害。 伊芙是最小的孩子,出生于1998年。她有主见,是个可爱的捣蛋鬼,既不黏人也不胆怯。她知道怎样和乔布斯相处,跟他讨价还价(有时也会赢),甚至捉弄他。乔布斯曾开玩笑说,如果伊芙以后不做美国总统,她一定是掌管苹果的那个人。 |