父子俩一同穿越沙漠。经历了长途跋涉后,他们疲惫不堪,干渴难耐,每迈出一步都非常艰难。这时,父亲看到黄沙中有一枚马蹄铁在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光一那是沙漠先驱者的遗留物。 父亲对儿子说:“捡起它吧,会有用的。” 儿子不屑地看了看一望无际的沙漠,摇了摇头。 父亲什么也没说,只是弯腰拾起了马蹄铁,继续前行。 终于,他们到达了一座城堡,父亲用马蹄铁换了 100颗酸葡萄。 当他们再次跋涉在沙漠中遭遇干渴时,父亲拿出了酸葡萄,边走边吃,同时自己吃一颗还丢一颗在地上——儿子每吃一颗,就要弯一次腰去拾。 Be Prepared Against Want Father and son were crossing the desert together. After a long trudge, they were unbearably tired and thirsty, so every step was extremely difficult. At this point the father saw a horseshoe sparkling: in the sunshine on the yellow sand— that was left by some desert pioneer. The father said to his son, “Pick it up now, for it will be useful.” The son looked at the vast expanse of the desert with a disdainful look and •hook his head. The father said nothing, but stooped to pick up the horseshoe and moved on. Finally, they reached a castle and the father exchanged 100 sour grapes with the horseshoe. When they trudged! in the desert and suffered thirst once again, his father took out the sour grapes to eat as he walked, and he dropped one on the ground while he was eating-his son would have to stoop* to pick it up each time he wanted to oat. unbearably 不能忍受地;无法容忍地 sparkling 发光的;闪亮的 expanse 广阔的区域;辽阔 disdainful 轻蔑的;蔑视的 trudge 跋涉;吃力地走 stoop 弯腰 |