许多人向富翁阿卡德询问致富的方法。 阿卡德问他们:“假如你拿出一个篮子,每天早晨在篮子里放10个鸡蛋,每天晚上再从篮子里拿出9个鸡蛋,最后将会出现什么情况? ” “总有一天,篮子会满起来,”有人回答,“因为我每天放进篮子里的鸡蛋比拿出来的都多一个。” 阿卡德笑着说:“致富的首要原则就是在你放进钱包里的10个硬币中,顶多只能用9个。” Only Use Nine at Most Many people asked the rich man Akkad the way to get rich Akkad asked them, “If you take out a basket, you put ten eggs in it every morning and take nine eggs out of it every evening, what will happen in the end?” “Someday the basket will be filled up,” someone answered, “because the eggs I put in the basket are one more than those I take out of it.” Akkad said with a smile, “The first and foremost principle of getting rich is that you can only use nine at most from the ten coins you put in the wallet.” foremost 最重要的 |