尊敬的媒体: 作为中国人,ABC吉姆金波的节目极大伤害了我的感情。节目公开播放“杀死所有中国人”言论,这和播放“杀死犹太人,阿拉伯人和同性恋者”一样意味歧视。 我们要求ABC向美国人民和中国人民道歉,并解除吉姆金波的主持人一职。我们认为此事件给美国“人人平等”的普世价值带来耻辱. Dear Media: As Chinese, I am deeply offended by ABC Jimmy Kimmel’s show The show publicly aired “kill all Chinese” remark. Such a hateful remark is as discriminatory as saying” kill all Jews, Arabs, Gays and others”. We demand that ABC apologize to the American and Chinese people, and Jimmy Kimmel be fired. We believe that it brings shame to the American values in which “ all men are created equa." |