Lactation room is a room provided by an employer where new mothers can pump breast milk. In the facility, there will be breast pumps and refrigerators where breast milk can be stored.
哺乳室(吸奶室)是雇主提供给新妈妈们吸奶的房间。在哺乳室内有吸奶器,还有储存母乳的冰箱。 Mothers need the privacy to express milk, either in a lockable private office or designated lactation room with an electrical outlet and a sink. A national media campaign asks, reasonably enough, if you wouldn't make your kid a sandwich in a public rest room, why would you expect a woman to bottle her baby's milk in one? 妈妈们需要挤奶的私密空间,或是在一个能上锁的私人办公室,或是指定的配有电源插座和水槽的哺乳室。美国一个全国性的媒体宣传活动曾提出一个十分合理的问题:既然你不会在公共厕所里给你的小孩做三明治,那么你为什么认为妇女应在公厕里挤出给宝宝喝的奶呢? In 2007, Oregon became the first state to pass a law requiring companies with more than twenty-five employees to provide "non-bathroom" lactation rooms. 2007年,俄勒冈州通过法律,要求员工人数超过25人的公司提供“非卫生间的”哺乳室,成为美国首个通过这一法律的州。 |