Have I fallen in love? Is this love real? Maybe I like this person? I don’t know my own feelings… Everyone has had these worries about love at least once. If s/he is already married or is a type completely opposite to yours, you may feel crazy and don’t want to admit to your feelings. But aren’t there times when you realised “love” through your unconscious attitude towards someone or something that he said that keeps running in your head? 我是不是坠入了爱河?这就是所谓的爱情吗?我是不是喜欢上了这个人?真搞不懂我这是怎么了……遇到爱情,每个人都经历过这样的纠结。要是碰上对方已经结婚,或完全不是预想的类型,你会觉得自己肯定疯了,无论如何也不愿承认自己有这种感情。可你潜意识里还是会隐隐察觉到对某人的“爱意”,或在脑子里不自觉地回想他说过的话吧? Is this LOVE? Or is it just another LIKE? 这是爱情吗?抑或只是喜欢? You can diagnose your “love” in this test, just count the number of items that ring true to you。 通过下面这个测试来诊断你的“爱情”吧,看看你符合多少选项。 1. I want to say unnecessary things to him/her。 我总想跟他/她唠叨琐碎的事情。 You know it’s unnecessary…but you want to meddle! 虽然知道都是些鸡毛蒜皮的事情,可你就是忍不住要跟他/她说! 2. I want to talk about myself in front of him/her。 在他/她面前,我总想谈论自己。 Were there times when you noticed that you kept talking about yourself? 有没有发现,有时你一直在滔滔不绝谈论自己? 3. To be honest, I want to have sex。 说实话,我想要他/她。 No explanation is necessary. It’s a human nature。 无须解释了——性乃人之本性嘛。 4. I want to do snowboarding (or other sports) with him/her。 我想和他/她一起滑雪(或做其他运动)。 You want to release your overflowing passion。 你想释放汹涌澎湃的激情。 5. I want to seduce him/her or want to be seduced by him/he。 我想和他/她调情。 You probably are imagining what’s next already. (laughs) 或许你都能想象到调情后干什么了。(窃笑) 6. I have similar taste in food and music to him/her。 我和他/她都喜欢相同的食物和音乐。 Yes, people say this is important for marriage。 没错,人们都说这对婚姻至关重要。 7. He/She seems very accepting。 他/她看上去非常包容。 You want him/her to accept you as who you are。 你希望他/她能接受你本真的模样。 8. I want to be protected or want to protect him/her。 我渴望被对方呵护,或想要呵护对方。 |