An Italian architect has revealed the ambitious plans to create Dynamic Towers in cities around the world with separate floors that spin 360 degrees around a concrete centre every 90 minutes。 The first two are planned to be built in Dubai and Moscow with other cities including London, Milan, Paris, Rome, New York and Miami on the cards too。 The brainchild behind the plans is Dr David Fisher from Florence who owns the Rotating Tower Technology Company。 He said he was inspired to create the perpetual motion skyscrapers after soaking in the view from a friend's apartment in Manhattan。 On his website he claims it is a new era for architecture: 'For the first time ever, buildings will be able to become part of life。 'Buildings will have four dimensions, adding the dimension of 'time''。 Each of the Dynamic Towers are also designed to be self-sustaining and can generate electricity from wind and solar power。 Up to 79 wind turbines will be fitted to each floor to generate enough energy to fuel the building's electricity。 Fisher also claims that the buildings will be able to identify changes in climate and temperature and regulate energy through the building's surface。 The 'intelligent' building can manage the internal temperature of rooms automatically - making it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, for example。 By controlling this automatically Fisher claims it can ensure 'indoor comfort while reducing energy consumption.' 'Over the next two decades our energy infrastructure will undergo changes similar to those which rippled through the media and telecommunication industries over the past twenty years。 'Just like the cell phone revolution of the early 1990s, when the first generation wireless telecommunications quickly saturated the analog network, so too will digitalization pervade the purchase, generation, transportation and usage of all sorts of energy.' Dr. Fisher's Rotating Tower project is innovative in design and architecture, but also recognizes environmental care and industrial production process as key points in the city of the future。 The plans were released in 2008 and Fisher planned to have the first building in Dubai completed by 2010. However, delays in planning permission as well as structural design tweaks and problems with how the plumbing would work, for example, is said to have pushed this date back。 Although, Dr Fisher believes each floor will only take six days to assemble around the core once permission is granted and the concrete structures are in place。 Each of the towers have been designed with swimming pools, gardens and even lifts for cars meaning people can park outside their flats。 据英国《每日邮报》8月5日报道,意大利佛罗伦萨建筑师戴维 菲舍尔计划在世界各大城市打造360度旋转的摩天大楼,每层楼每90分钟围绕一个混凝土中心旋转360度,让人尽情领略城市美景。 菲舍尔打算先在迪拜打造这样的摩天大楼,接着是莫斯科,伦敦、米兰、巴黎、罗马、纽约和迈阿密也在榜单之列。菲舍尔说,他在朋友位于曼哈顿的公寓看过美景后深受启发,打算打造出永恒运动的摩天大楼。目前,他经营着旋转大楼技术公司。 菲舍尔在自己的网站上宣称这是建筑的新时代,“建筑首次成为生活的一部分。旋转大楼有4个维度,加入了‘时间’维度”。据了解,每栋旋转大楼都能自给自足,通过风能和太阳能发电,每层楼有多达79台风力发电机,足给大楼供电。 此外,旋转大楼还能识别气候和温度变化,通过建筑表面调节能源自动调节室内温度,在夏天让室温降低,冬天则让室温升高,确保了室内的舒适度,还降低了能耗。每栋大楼都配有游泳池、花园,甚至还有汽车起重机,意味着人们可以把车停在自家公寓外面。 菲舍尔在2008年公布了旋转摩天大楼计划,并打算于2010年在迪拜建成第一栋旋转大楼。然而,生产许可证延期、结构设计调整以及水暖设备如何运转等问题让该计划未能如期实现。菲舍尔说,一旦获得了生产许可证,混凝土结构也到位了,那么组装每层楼仅需6天时间。 80层的迪拜旋转大楼预计将花费大约3.55亿英镑(约人民币33亿元);70层的莫斯科旋转大楼将由米拉克斯集团承建,成本未知。其他大楼的细节还没有公布,关于所有大楼的规划许可及起始日期也都处于保密状态。菲舍尔此前曾表示,他不想公布太多信息,因为想让它成为一个“惊喜”。 |