沪江英语:Spongebob Squarepants is a gay cartoon character who is a “real threat” to Ukrainian children, according to the country’s morality watchdog. 根据乌克兰道德监督部门的看法,海绵宝宝的同性恋形象会对乌克兰的孩子造成“真实的威胁”。 Whilst policing media to check it adheres to the Ukraine’s strict morality laws, the watchdog found a report on a conservative Catholic website, which slammed a number of cartoon characters for their “promotion of homosexuality”, reported national newspaper Ukraínskaya Pravda。 而根据在全国发行的《乌克兰真理报》报道,该部门命令电视台根据乌克兰严格的道德法律彻查海绵宝宝。监督部门还在保守的天主教网站上发现了一篇报道,痛斥具有同性恋倾向的卡通形象。 The allegations in the report have been judged so serious the National Expert Commission for Protecting Public Morality is planning a separate meeting to discuss whether the cartoons should be banned。 报道中的指责语气严重,国家维护公共道德专家委员会已经开始计划单独会议来讨论这些动画是否应该禁止。 Other cartoons which sparked fears include the Teletubbies, in particularly Tinky Winky, whose handbag raised eyebrows amongst the right wing Ukrainian Catholic group, which the Wall Street Journal named as “Family Under the Protection of the Holy Virgin”。 其他引发担忧的卡通还有天线宝宝,尤其是丁丁。丁丁的紫色手包引起了乌克兰天主教派右翼分子团体的注意,该团体被《华尔街日报》称为“圣母保护下的家庭”。 Not only was the purple-suited character judged to encourage homosexuality, but also deemed responsible for causing children to have the "psychology of a loser." 这个紫色的卡通人物不仅被认为鼓励同性恋,还被认定是让孩子有失败者心理的罪魁祸首。 The cartoon was also considered to provoke “dullness” and cause children to “repeat nonsense phrases in a brazen manner, in front of adults they don’t know”, according to psychologist Irina Medvédeva, who was quoted in the report。 根据报道中引用的心理学家Irina Medvedeva 的说法,这部动画还被认为是提倡“愚钝”,并导致孩子们“在他们不认识的成人面前重复着胡言乱语,做无聊的动作”。 Disney films such as The Lion King and Jungle Book are “gay parades” and turn children into criminals and perverts, while Shrek promotes sadism, and undermines family values。 迪士尼的电影《狮子王》与《森林王子》被认为是“同性恋游行”,会导致孩子犯罪并成为堕落的人;而《怪物史瑞克》被认为鼓吹虐待狂并低估家庭的价值。 Both Tinky Winky and Spongebob Squarepants have been “outed” before. Spongebob, who lives in an underwater pineapple with pink snail Gary and receives driving lessons from Mrs Puff, has been popular with the gay community since his inception in 1999. However, he was described as “asexual” by creator Stephen Hillenburg in 2002。 《天线宝宝》和《海绵宝宝》之前已经被禁止。海绵宝宝是和粉色蜗牛Gary一起生活在海底,他的教练名叫泡芙阿姨(小编注:Puff在英语中是对男同性恋的称呼),该动画片在1999年刚刚播出时在同性恋社团受到欢迎。然而,他的作者史蒂芬·海伦伯格在2002年描述这个角色是无性的生物。 |