Given that most little girls love to dress up as princesses, it is difficult to imagine what might be wrong with that。 大部分小女孩都喜欢打扮成公主,很难说这有什么不好。 But one author has written an entire book on how she believes the fairytale fantasies send a dangerous message。 但有作家写了本书,认为童话故事会教坏小朋友。 Jennifer L Hardstein is behind the recently-published Princess Recovery: A How-To Guide to Raising Strong, Empowered Girls Who Can Create Their Own Happily Ever Afters。 这本新书叫《摆脱公主病:女孩怎样自强自立、追寻自己的幸福》,作者是詹妮弗·哈德斯坦。 The child and adolescent psychologist believes that children as young as two are taking away unrealistic ideals from fairytale books and Disney cartoons that can affect their self esteem later on。 儿童和青少年专家认为,两岁大的儿童就可以离开童话书和迪斯尼卡通中的虚幻世界,否则可能会影响到他们日后自我认知的形成。 In her book, Dr Hardstein theorizes that traditional stories like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella promote the idea that if a girl is pretty enough and has fancy clothes and shoes, she find love and popularity。 哈德斯坦在书中写道:像《睡美人》和《灰姑娘》这些经典童话,可能会让小孩相信,只要拥有美貌和漂亮衣物,她就能找到真爱、受人欢迎。 The author refers to this phenomenon as the 'Princess Syndrome'。 哈德斯坦将这种现象定义为“公主病”。 These kind of messages, she says, have a huge impact on a girl's self-confidence and make it hard for children to understand as they grow up, that intelligence, generosity and passion are more important values。 她说,这些潜在含义可能会挫伤小孩的自信心,使她即便成年之后也很难相信勤奋、大方和热情要远比美貌更重要。 During an appearance on CBS' Early Show, Dr Hardstein explained: 'Girls are getting this message everywhere that... what their worth is based on is how they look and the things that they have and it's very superficial.' 在哥伦比亚广播公司的一期节目中,哈德斯坦解释说:“周围到处都是这样的信息……相貌和打扮就是女孩子的一切。这很愚蠢。” Her book teaches parents how to let their toddlers enjoy the Disney movies and their teenagers watch reality figures like the Kardashians while encouraging a discussion about the messages projected by the media。 她在书中还告诉父母怎样指导小孩看迪斯尼动画,以及如何引导青少年正确看待电视真人秀中诸如卡戴珊姐妹这样的人物。 Speaking on the show she said: 'Parents think their kids will understand the messages that they are bombarded with all the time and they don't.' 她在节目中说:“父母想当然以为小孩自己都能正确看待这类信息,但事实并非如此。” Discussing the influence of Kardashian sisters Kim, Kourtney and Khloe, she told the anchors: 'They might be good examples of what we're trying not to be.' 提起卡戴珊姐妹的影响,哈德斯坦表示:“或许可以把她们定为反面教材吧。” As well as warning of the dangers of 'Princess Syndrome', her book advises parents how to guide and empower their children from an early age。 为了防止“公主病”的发生,哈德斯坦在书中还建议父母如何趁早引导自己的小孩,让她们学会自强自立。 Dr Hardstein warns of the influence of toys like scantily-clad Barbie dolls and teenage celebrities who might wear heavy make-up. 哈德斯坦认为,那些永远衣着暴露的芭比娃娃以及浓妆艳抹的年轻明星对儿童和青少年有不少负面影响。 She adds that it's not just magazines, TV shows and online media that is giving our children the wrong ideas about what is important. Aggravating the issue further, Dr Hardstein told CBS, is the distressing reality that these days padded bras and crotchless underpants are available for children as young as five。 而且,容易误导小孩的不仅仅是杂志、电视秀、网络媒体。更为严重的是,现在5岁大的小孩都能买到衬垫胸罩和丁字裤了!——哈德斯坦在节目中感叹道。 Princess Recovery, she assures parents, will bring 'balance, confidence, and self-sufficiency into your daughter’s life while giving her a modern, vibrant childhood.' 她强调,这本书肯定有助于父母引导女儿“学会平衡、树立信心、正确认识自我,从而营造一个多姿多彩的童年生活”。 |