视频介绍【出处】彼都人士,狐裘黄黄,其容不改,出言成章。《诗经·小雅·都人士》 【解释】说出话来就成文章。形容文思敏捷,口才好。 出口成章英文意译 1、words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master. 2、talk beautifully; 3、say easily without thinking hard; 4、one's tongue is the pen of a ready writer |
时间:2013-06-14 16:01来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:英蕊 点击: 次 |
视频介绍【出处】彼都人士,狐裘黄黄,其容不改,出言成章。《诗经·小雅·都人士》 【解释】说出话来就成文章。形容文思敏捷,口才好。 出口成章英文意译 1、words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master. 2、talk beautifully; 3、say easily without thinking hard; 4、one's tongue is the pen of a ready writer |