视频介绍小偷找来一把大大锤,拼命朝钟砸去,咣的一声巨响,把他吓了一大跳。小偷着慌,心想这下糟了,这种声不就等于是告诉人们我正在这里偷钟吗?他心里一急,身子一下子扑到了钟上,张开双臂想捂住钟声,可钟声又怎么捂得住呢!钟声依然悠悠地传向远方。 他越听越害怕,不同自由地抽回双手,使劲捂住自已的耳朵。“咦,钟声变小了,听不见了!”小偷高兴起来,“妙极了!把耳朵捂住不住就听不进钟声了吗!”他立刻找来两个布团,把耳朵塞住,心想,这下谁也听不见钟声了。于是就放手砸起钟来,一下一下,钟声响亮地传到很远的地方。人们听到钟声蜂拥而至把小偷捉住了。 英文意译: plug one's ears while stealing a bell; bury one's head in the sand; deceive oneself; play the ostrich; run away from one's own shadow; steal a bell while covering one's ears -- self-deception; The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.; use the ostrich-like method 中英文例句: 1. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. [谚]掩耳盗铃;猫偷吃奶油的时候,总是闭着眼睛。 2. Some media said the Fed's action only in self-deception. 有媒体称美联储的行动只是在掩耳盗铃。 3. Self-deception regarding your own worth may lead wrong path. 对自我价值的掩耳盗铃会将引入邪路。 4. This allows the zealot to close quickly with his enemies. 它能使“叉叉”能以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之式靠近目标。 5. There is no hiding place one the water surface. 切勿掩耳盗铃。 |