彼得喜欢抽烟,可是因为抽烟,身体不好。经常需要去看医生。 彼得的好朋友戴维劝告他,最好戒烟,这样身体会慢慢好起来。 彼得:圣经说,如果你抽烟,你不能去天堂? 戴维:没有,你吸烟越多,你会越快的到达天堂。 Peter likes smoking, because smoking, his health is not good. Often need to see a doctor. Peter's good friend David advised him to stop smoking,, so that he will get better. Peter: Does the Bible say that if you smoke you can't get to heaven? David: No, but the more you smoke the quicker you'll get there. |