这一个是众所周知的,很不适合钓鱼的湖泊。但是,一个湖泊看守人注意到一个家伙一直能在湖泊里弄到鱼。 他问那个人:“你是怎么抓鱼的,其他人都没有你的这个本事” 那个家伙回答说:“我明天去捕鱼,你为什么不来呢?” 第二天,看守人和渔夫一起出湖。他们在船上,渔夫点燃炸药,然后扔到湖里。“砰”!!!马上有鱼漂浮在湖面上! 看守人吓坏了,说:“你不能这样做!那是违法的!” 渔夫达点燃另一根说:“你是要鱼呢,还是要说话呢?” It was well known that a certain lake was very poor for fishing up north, but a game warden happened to notice that one guy kept coming home with his limit of fish on several occations. He asked the guy: "How is it that you are catching fish out of that lake when no one else can?" The guy replied: "Well I am going back up there tommorow, why don't you come along?" And, so the warden did. They were in the boat when the fisherman reached over and lit a stick of dynamite and then tossed it overboard. BOOM!!! There were fish floating to the surface all over! The game warden freaked out, and said: "You can't do that! That's illeagal!" The fisherman reached over and lit another stick and said: "Are you going to fish, or talk?" |