一个病人来到他的牙医看他的牙齿问题。 病人:医生,我有黄色的牙齿,我该怎么办? 牙医:那就戴棕色领带! A patient came to his dentist with problems with his teeth. Patient: Doctor, I have yellow teeth, what do I do? Dentist: Wear a brown tie! 病人家长:医生,我儿子有点问题。他把他的耳朵和鼻子用辣椒塞上。现在他还在尖叫。 医生:这意味着他不好好吃饭。 Mrs Harrigan: Doctor, there's something wrong with my son. He plugged up his ear and nose with chilies. Now he is screaming. Doctor: That means he is not eating properly. |