在一个公园里,我和五岁的女儿玩捉迷藏。我装作当大灰狼,女儿装小白兔。她要藏起来,我要抓她出来。 我正在发愁,不知道女儿藏到哪里去了。突然,女儿从树林深处跑了出来,说:“爸爸,树林里面有一个大姐姐和大哥哥打架,好可怕啊!” 我不解地问女儿:“可怕,他们怎么打架的?” 女儿说:“他们使劲咬对方的嘴!” In a park, I with my five year old daughter play game of the hide and seek. I pretended to be a wolf, daughter was a rabbit. She had to hide, I will catch her out. I was just worried, do not know where to go. Suddenly, my daughter came out from the depths of the forest, said: "Dad, there is a elder sister and a brother fight each other in the woods. terrible !" I asked the daughter: "terrible, how did they fight?" Daughter said: "they tried to bite each other's lips!" |