现场 scene [英][si:n] [美][sin] 中英文小故事:扭曲的事故现场 两个小伙子在乔治亚州一路走来时,他们被一个喝醉酒的开着警车的警察撞上了。 一个家伙被撞得透过了挡风玻璃,他的同伴被撞倒河堤上。 结果,第一个家伙被指控破坏并进入,他的同伴被指控离开事故现场。 Two guys were walking along a road in Georgia when they were struck by a police car driven by a drunken cop. One guy was thrown through the windshield and his buddy was knocked down an embankment. The first guy was charged with breaking and entering and the second with leaving the scene of an accident. 中英文例句 You mean the crime scene? 你是说犯罪现场? Pay extra attention to the scene descriptions. 多花精力阅读场景描述。 Their parting was a sad scene. 他们分离的场面很凄。 There is no distant transmitter to telecast the scene. 没有远距离发射机传送景象。 I cannot bear to see the scene. 我不忍看这情景。 |