视频介绍可是旅店老板却对韩娥很不礼貌,韩娥忍不住放声大哭。哭声悲伤凄楚,附近居民,都被感动得流下泪来。由于韩娥的歌声,婉转动听,唱完以后两三天,似乎还有遗留的歌声,在屋梁间缭绕飘荡,一连三天,大家都难过得吃不下饭。当人们听说韩娥已经出城离去时,立刻派人去追,苦苦挽留。韩娥不便违拗百姓的要求,便回来为大家继续演唱了一次。听众很高兴,几天来的悲伤情绪一扫而空。 《列子·汤问》在描写这一情节时说“余音绕梁,三日不绝”。从此,人们称赞歌声或音乐的美妙,余音不绝,就常用“绕梁三日”来比喻。 英文意译: The tune lingered in the room.; A singer's voice is extremely beautiful and leaves one a deep impression.; (The song has stopped) but the melody remains [lingers].; The music lingers in the air long after the performance.; the prolonged vibration of the sound; The thrilling voice keeps reverberating in the air after the vocalist has stopped singing. |