视频介绍原指因自己容貌举止不如别人而感到羞愧。后泛指因不如别人而感到惭愧。 英文意译: feel ashamed of one's ungainly appearance; ashamed of one's own unseemliness [unworthiness]; be ashamed of one's poverty-stricken state; feel ashamed of one's lack of creative talent; feel put to shame (by sb.); feel unworthy (of others' company); have a sense of inferiority [inadequacy]; humble oneself; look [feel] small; shrink from oneself as some unclean thing 中英文例句: 1. She makes me feel dowdy and ugly. 她让我自惭形秽。 2. He felt small against the calm shining from the old man. 面对着老人脸上散发出的宁静的光辉,他深深感到自己的渺小而有点自惭形秽。 3. I stopped, breathless, and already a little ashamed of myself. 我气喘吁吁地把话收住,感到有点自惭形秽。 4. He was keenly sensitive, hopelessly self-conscious. 他非常神经过敏,自惭形秽得到了不可救药的地步。 5. Nevertheless, the gap between her guilty self and her husband was narrower than she had dreamed. 无论如何,她的自惭形秽之身和她丈夫的差距是缩小了,这毕竟是她做梦也想不到的。 |