一个成功的年轻律师开着宝马车穿过小镇,发现道路侧面有两个人在吃草。于是,他要和他们谈谈, “嘿,伙计们,是怎么回事?你们为什么吃草啊?”律师问。 “我们的运气很差,没有工作,很贫穷!”他们同时回答道。 “那么,跟我来,”律师说。”我会尽我所能去帮助你们。” 十五分钟的车程后,这两个可怜的人到达了一个美丽的高尔夫球场。他们变得兴奋起来,因为终于获得工作的机会。 “先生,我们非常感谢你!谢谢你给我们的这个机会。我们会让你快乐!”他们快乐地说! “啊,没问题。我很高兴帮助你们。” 富有同情心的律师说,“你们可以吃掉所有你想吃的草,但是,它现在至少有一英尺高了!” Driving through town in his BMW, a successful young lawyer spotted two man on the side of the road eating grass . he have a word with them, "Hey fellas, what is going on? Why are you eating grass?" asks the lawyer. "We're down on our luck, have no jobs and are very poor!", they both respond. "Well then, come with me" the lawyer insists. "I'll do what I can to help, after all ." After a fifteen minute drive, the two poor men arrive at a beautiful golf course. They became excited at the chance to finally get some work. "Sir, we can't thank you enough! Thank you so much for this opportunity. We will make you happy!" they exclaimed with joy! "Ah, it's no problem. I'm just happy to help." replied the compassionate lawyer. You can eat all the grass you want, it's got to be at least a foot tall by now!" |