积极行动起来,现在正值最佳时机。研究和准备的时候,要计划周密,准备充分,做到胸有成竹。不要因优柔寡断而停滞不前。意识到时机已到,就必须采取行动。一旦踌躇犹豫,你就会产生怀疑,继而是逃避,随之就是恐惧。你可能会遇到困难。是的,你还可能会被拒绝。你还可能会失败,失败是难免的,但也是暂时的。这就是生活。生活的贏家承认,在他们实现愿望的尝试过程中,他们不得不适时进行修正,甚至还会一而再、再而三地修正。成功人士与非成功人士的区别,并不在于是否犯过错误,甚至是否暂时失败了,而在于如何应对失败,在于在每次跌倒之后如何振作起来,继续前行。 There is no better time to initiate positive action than right now. Plan and prepare, develop confi¬dence in your research and preparedness. Don’t al¬low yourself to become petrified and immobilized by indecision. Realize that the time has come and you must act. If you hesitate, doubts will set in, continue to skulk and then turn into fear. You may falter a little. Yes, you may experience rejection. And yes, you may fail and fail you should, temporarily. That’s life. Life's winners accept that in attempting to achieve their desires, they may have to modify accordingly and even begin again and perhaps again. The difference between successful people and those that just don't get it is not whether you make mistakes or even provisionally fail, but how you respond to your failures and that you pick yourself up after each fall and continue on. |