Mumbai 孟买 I have no patience for the whiny American fear of strong smells. Suck it up. Otherwise you'll miss out on Mumbai, which is one of the most intense and rewarding olfactory experiences on Earth. It's kind of like Avatar for your nose. Everywhere you turn, the thick, penetrating scent of unfiltered motor exhaust and water in gutters lingers. There's the salty smell of ocean mixed with tropical rot, air conditioning, and frying palm oil. And, it's India, so your nose also picks up on incense and every spice imaginable—cinnamon, cardamom, clove. It's the smell of a vibrant city on the move. 我非常不理解美国人对浓烈味道的抱怨。用力呼吸,否则你就会错过在地球上气味最浓烈的嗅觉之旅目的地——孟买。就像鼻子的化身。无论去往何处,扑面而来的都是未经过滤的发动机废气和废水的厚重又极具穿透性的气息。海水的咸味混合着热带腐朽的味道,还有空调、煎炸棕榈油的气味。而且,这里是印度,所以你的鼻子同时闻得到焚香味道,以及任何穷极想象的香料——肉桂,豆蔻,丁香等。这是一个充满活力的移动城市特有的气息。 |