Mombasa 蒙巴萨 I was only in Mombasa for an afternoon, and what struck me was the scent of rough terra cotta baked by the sun, and a dry-ish tropical air that is common in February when I was there. I'm told the smell radically intensifies in the summer when the rains come and things are more green, although Mombasa is never apparently lush. One of my strongest sense memories was of the four-bare-walled stores the Mijikendas and Swahilis kept. They used fluorescent lights, so they had that distinct metallic, old-ish smell places that use fluorescents always have. I could also detect palm oil, the cement dust from the streets, and these strange spices I had never smelled and haven't smelled since. 我在肯尼亚蒙巴萨只停留了一个下午,晒制而成的陶器的气味给我留下了深刻的印象,时值二月的干热空气也十分常见。我了解到在雨季来临之前气味会扩大,城市中的绿色也更加鲜明,尽管平时的蒙巴萨的植被丝毫不茂盛。我最强烈的感官记忆之一当地人开的四面裸墙的店铺,他们使用荧光灯,所以便有着独特的金属气息。使用荧光灯的地方总是充斥着老旧的气息。我还能在街上闻到棕榈油、水泥粉尘的味道,这些奇怪的香料我从未在其他地方遇到。 |