Bogotá 波哥大 Latin America smells of the 1950s; for instance, stroll around the Recoleta in Buenos Aires, and it's like time travel. (For the record, though, I wasn't alive then). Along with that mid-twentieth century smell, Bogotá's aroma is like a new car, concrete, and aftershave—a product of the bustling downtown business district. It's strange but you can also detect the altitude—8,612 feet above sea level—because of the exotic wind, rain, and greenery that rises from the Andes in the East. 拉丁美洲的气味与二十世纪五十年代十分相似;比如在布宜诺斯艾利斯的雷克莱塔漫步时,就如同一场时光旅行。(当然,那时我还没出生)。波哥大充斥着二十世纪中期的气息,就像新车、混凝土、须后水的混杂气味,非常奇异。但是由于遥远的东方安第斯山脉带来的风雨和植物,你还可以感受到8612英尺海拔的高度。 |