I'll be right here. (E.T.: The Extraterrestrial) 我与你同在。电影《E.T.外星人》(E.T.: The Extraterrestrial) When I first saw E.T.in the movie theater, I cried hard when he had to leave Elliott. That kind of separation, that permanency of loss was not something I was prepared to handle yet. But when the alien pointed his long, spindly finger into Elliott's chest and said, "I'll... be... right... here," I believed him. That concept -- that we can hold each other in our hearts and transcend time and space -- is a big one for even adults to grasp. When illustrated by a rubbery brown alien with an illuminated finger, it seems more plausible somehow. Ironically. 我第一次看这部电影是在电影院里,电影放到外星人不得不离开艾略特(Elliott)时,我仍不住失声痛哭。那种离别的痛苦与失落,年少的我自觉担负不起。但是当外星人伸出细长的手指,轻敲艾略特的胸膛,吐露心声“我…与你…同在”,我相信了。我相信——我们能将彼此藏在心里,这份真情足以跨越时空——即使是成年人也难以体会。讽刺的是,导演让一个棕色皮肤的外星人作了电影主角,他伸出手指,诠释了我们难以理解的真情,却更具有可信度。 |