Sometimes awesome people might "live to like you," and you might not feel the same way. That's OK. (Pretty in Pink) 有时,可能会有优秀的人说“我活着就是为了爱你”,但你却并不爱他们,那也没关系。电影《红粉佳人》(Pretty in Pink) I loved Andrew McCarthy. I loved him even more when Blane really did want Andie back and sought her out at the prom. But I also struggled with the fact that I loved Jon Cryer's Duckie, too -- that his adoration for Andie seemed so simple and easy and loyal in comparison. Is it OK to pick the Blanes of the world over the Duckies? I think sometimes it is, especially when you are young and still learning about yourself and relationships. Inevitably, people are going to like my children that my children might not like back in the the same way, and vice versa. The trick, then, is to teach my children to treat people with respect and care, even if they can't return the same level of feeling. After all, you can't love someone back out of obligation. That's not the way it works. 我崇拜安德鲁·麦卡锡(Andrew McCarthy)。电影《红粉佳人》里布莱恩(Blane)期盼着安迪(Andie)能够回来,他目光殷切,在舞会中搜寻着安迪的身影,这段表演十分真实,我更喜欢他了。但是我也喜欢乔恩·克莱尔(Jon Cryer)扮演的达奇(Duckie)——相比之下,他对安迪的爱更单纯,更纯粹,更忠诚。安迪最终选择了布莱恩而非达奇,她的选择正确吗?我想,在某种条件下,特别是在你尚年轻,还没能了解自己,还没理清身边人的关系时,这种选择是正确的。事实往往如此,有人会爱上我的孩子,而他们却不打算回应,反过来也是一样。我想通过这部电影告诉他们一个道理:与人交往时,即便不能回应同样的感情,也应给予他们应有的尊重。总之,你不能出于责任义务而接受你不爱的人,这不是爱情。 |