Each of us is a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. (The Breakfast Club) 我们每个人都是书呆子、运动员、神经病、公主和罪犯的集合体。电影:《早餐俱乐部(The Breakfast Club) Even in sixth grade, my oldest is starting to classify himself and his friends. I did the same thing at his age; I know how it goes in middle and high school. But I try to remind him that everyone he meets has so much going on behind the façade he sees in the hallways at school -- that everyone is fighting a hard battle of some sort, and that no person fits neatly inside a simple label. It's a lesson I learn over and over again, even as an adult. In the end, as Patrick Dempsey's "geek turned chic" says in another favorite, Can't Buy Me Love: "Nerds, jocks. My side, your side... It's hard enough just trying to be yourself." 我的大儿子在六年级的时候就开始给同学分类。当年我也这么干过;中学时期,青少年总是渴望标新立异,脱颖而出。但是我还是试图告诉他,学校里的每个人都有不为人知的另一面——每个人都有难处,不能轻易为他人贴上标签。在今后的生活中,我反复印证了这一点。此外,在电影《爱情买卖》(Can't Buy Me Love)中 ,帕特里克·德姆西(Patrick Dempsey)扮演的角色经历种种,最后由“怪胎”变成了“帅哥”,坦言道“运动健将,蠢货。你来我往……做自己太难了。”这部电影我也很喜欢。 |