这只苍老的混血猎狗,嘴巴鼻子日渐灰白,他正崇敬地仰望着主人。 "又得转移了,老伙计。他们还以为我们是软皮蛋,很容易搞定呢。” 主人解释道,他听说当局很快要来劝说他接受治疗、食宿及其他一系列条件。狗儿可能也已感觉到了要发生什么事,而且所发生的事将会永远改变他的生活。直觉告诉他,这次怕是躲不过了。 The old terrier-cross with the greying muzzle looked up adoringly. “We’re going to move on again, old friend. They think that we’re ‘vulnerable’.” His master explained that he’d heard the authorities would soon be around trying to persuade him to accept treatment, accommodation and the like. He may have sensed, too, that there was something else about to happen which could change his life forever, and instinctively he knew he couldn't survive that. |