医院hospital[英]['hɒspɪtl] [美][ˈhɑspɪtl, -ˌpɪtl] 中英文故事:蜜桃(6) 爷爷住进了市医院,一束束艳丽的玫瑰花把病房装点得明快惬意。然而爷爷的声音依然微弱,眼睛异样地盯着远处。孩子们一动不动地坐在冰凉的藤椅上,尽量屏住呼吸,避免吸入医院的怪昧。床单很整洁,可奶奶还是一边絮絮叨叨,一边东拉拉西扯扯,好让病房里有点动静。"你得快点儿……嗯……好起来,亲爱的,我们好回家吃玛丽送的香甜多汁的桃子!” Grandpa’s hospital room in the city was made cheery by the bright bunches of roses but his voice was still only a whisper and his eyes stared strangely into the distance. The children sat stiffly in the cold vinyl chairs and tried hard not to breathe in the hospital’s strange smells. Grandma fussed over the neatness of bedclothes and rattled on to cover the quietness. “You’ll have to hurry up and ... um …get better, dear, so we can get back home and eat those juicy peaches Mary left us.” 中英文例句 1. China added 50000 psychiatric hospital beds from 2003 to 2008. 从2003年到2008年,中国的精神病院增加了50000个床位。 2. He died later in hospital. 后来他死在了医院里。 3. She was rushed to hospital. 她被急速送往医院。 4. You accompanied me to hospital appointments. 你也会陪我去医院。 5. Farm sanctuary's emergency rescue team stepped in, rushing him to a veterinary hospital. 来自农场避难所的紧急救援队插手进来,把他送到了兽医院。 |