[梗概] 玛格丽特•西蒙快12岁了,她的家刚从纽约市区搬到郊区。就在她为怎样融入新朋友中而发愁时,她获邀加入一个秘密俱乐部,她于是欣然接受。当俱乐部的女孩们都在谈论男同学、胸罩、初潮等问题时,玛格丽特才发现自己知之甚少。关于成长,玛格丽特有一些疑问,即使是跟朋友也难以启齿。幸运的是,她找到了另外的倾诉对象。 Margaret Simon, almost 12, has just moved from New York City to the suburbs, and she's anxious to fit in with her new friends. When she's asked to join a secret club she jumps at the chance. But when the girls start talking about boys, bras, and getting their first periods, Margaret starts to wonder if she's normal. There are some things about growing up that are hard for her to talk about, even with her friends. Lucky for Margaret, she's got someone else to confide in. [简评] 这是一本所有女性(无论什么年龄)都该至少读一遍的终极指南。——读者克里斯特尔 This is the ultimate book that every female, whatever her age, should read at least once. – Reader Crystal [精彩片段] --我们一定一定一定要增大我们的罩杯。 We must, we must, we must increase our bust. --上帝,你在吗?是我,玛格丽特。我刚刚跟妈妈说了我想要个胸罩。上帝,请帮忙让我那儿长大吧。你知道我说的是哪儿。 Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. I just told my mother I want a bra. Please help me grow God. You know where. |