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时间:2014-04-23 10:18来源:英蕊少儿英语网 作者:编辑组 点击:
[梗概] 杰瑞雷诺思索着海报上的一行字:我敢不敢撼动这宇宙?在一年一度的校筹款会上,杰瑞拒绝贩卖巧克力的行为也许不算激进,但当他与学校里一个叫守夜会的秘密学社为敌时,
Jerry Renault ponders the question on the poster: Do I dare disturb the universe? Refusing to sell chocolates in the annual school fund-raiser may not seem like a radical thing to do. But when Jerry challenges a secret school society called The Vigils, his defiant act turns into an all-out war.

It's a powerful lesson about standing by what you believe in, even if you must do so alone. - Reader Kat
The world is evil and there's nothing you can do about it. Trying to fight against it is the most important thing you can do. - Robert Cormier, author of this book

He hated to think of his own life stretching ahead of him that way, a long succession of days and nights that were fine - not good, not bad, not great, not lousy, not exciting, not anything.
It doesn't matter how big the body, it's what you do with it.
