[梗概] 船员们要去参加特洛伊战争,在航行途中遇到用歌声引诱他们的美人鱼赛丽娜和她的姐妹们,船员们应声触礁。只有一个幸存者。赛丽娜违背天后赫拉的旨意,照顾受伤船员,两人因此坠入爱河。菲罗克忒忒斯爱的到底是赛丽娜的歌声,还是她的灵魂?他能否挣脱情网去为荣誉而战? When mermaid Sirena and her sisters sing their siren songs to the sailors on their way to the Trojan War, the men crash their ships upon the rocks. There is one survivor. Sirena defies the goddess Hera by tending his wounds and soon the two are deeply in love. But does Philoctetes love Sirena's song, or her soul? And will the pull of honor prove stronger than the bond of love? [简评] --作者没有刻意迎合年轻读者,而是用最美的笔触纵情描绘出寓意深刻的故事。得出的教训同样令人难忘:不要为任何人改变自己。——读者阿什利 Rather than pandering to younger readers, she poured out a poignant tale with the most beautiful language. The lesson was also unforgettable: Don't change yourself for anyone. - Reader Ashley --很美的故事,但结局很悲情。推荐给所有年龄段的读者。——读者苏琪 The story is lovely, but the ending is very sad. I recommend it to anyone of any age. - Reader Sookie [精彩片段] --我感觉到了星火。它的每一次闪耀都引燃我心中的情殇。 I feel the stars. Each sparkle sets aflame the pain in my heart. --我渴望歌唱,我告诉自己不可以。但这种渴望难以抗拒。 I want so much to sing, I tell myself no. But it is so hard to keep from singing. |