渔船boat[英][bəʊt] [美][bot] 中英文故事:去上学(5) 旅行车上那张值钱的挂毯散发出各种气味:灰尘味、泥土味、油脂味、旧渔网味和各类化学物质气味,一闻到这种气味总能使人联想到渔船和渔民。巧克力棕色的座位上也散发着汗渍和乙烯基塑料的气味。司机座位上满是细羊毛坐垫的碎线头,还掺杂着钓鱼线。车的仪表板更是惹眼:先是盒式唱机贪婪地张着口,里面塞满了重要文件,其中大部分是未中的彩票; 再就是那1993年就已坏掉的暖气设备,调节器上满是灰尘;还有速度计上的指针已多年来未 超出80公里了。 I smell the rich tapestry of kombi smells: a musty mixture of dust, dirt, grease, old nets and various chemicals that attach themselves to boats and fishermen. The chocolate brown seats exude a sweaty vinyl odor. Remnants of a lamb’s wool seat cover are held onto the driver’s seat by a combination of fishing twine. It’s difficult to disregard Werner’s dashboard: the hungry cassette player, filled with important papers, mostly unlucky raf¬fle tickets ; the dusty controls of the heater, disconnected in 1993; the speedometer whose needle hasn't moved past 80k for several years. 中英文例句 1. Otherwise the boat might sink. 否则,那船没准会沉。 2. Innovation and competitiveness don't seem to float obama's boat. 创新和竞争力似乎不能使奥巴马的船浮起。 3. It is a shot of ocean, boat and sky as one glorious place. 这是一个海洋、小船和天空共处一个瑰丽地方的镜头。 4. Nick grabbed his bag and looked around for his boat. 尼克抓起他的旅行袋,到处找他的船。 5. Jesus was asleep in the boat. 主耶稣在船里睡了。 |